Young Justice RP Wiki

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Making an account/registering on Wikia[]

If you have already registered for wikia you can skip this. If you are brand new to RP wikis and/or wikia in general, please read below: In your right hand corner will be two options. Log in or Sign up. Click Sign up and it will take you to a registration page. Please fill in the information and you will be registered. You can personalize your account by clicking the right hand corner again. which now shows your name and a picture. Change the picture and write a description of yourself if you want to. It will also show you when you joined this wikia and how many edits on pages you have done. Ask me if you need any other questions on this area please reply on My Talk page by simply clicking theWrite Message button on the top and saying your question.

Making a Character[]

After you registered or joined this wikia, it's time to make a character! You can start by filling out this small Character info sheet. This just covers the basics of your role play character. You can fill it out on the Heroes or Villains page. Just type in the character's name in the box and click Get Enrolled. Do this at Character Approval YOUR CHARACTER MUST BE APPROVED BEFORE YOU MAKE IT A PAGE! Here is the info sheet.




Skills (For example, fighting, building, etc):

Powers (if any):

Group you want to enter:


Word Bubble[]

To get a word bubble, fill this out then add }} or {{ to the beggening and the end:

Word Bubble
 |image =
 |color =
 |color2 =
 |textcolor =
 |textcolor2 =
 |line =
 |fonttype =
 |charname =
 |charpage =
 |Page Name =
 |group =
 |title =
 |time = 
 |text =

In the Time you want to put {{{2}}} and in the Text for on the template page put {{{1}}}. You will type this with a }} and a {{{ at the beginning and the end.

 {{Template Page Name|Your Text|Five Tidels (~'s)

This is what a word bubble looks like when it works:


Atlantis -member of Justice Agency
-Weapon Master

 – {{{2}}}



Atlantis -member of Justice Agency
-Weapon Master

 – 14:58, March 20, 2012 (UTC)

I see...

OR there is the Fancy Gradient Word Bubble. For Which you put this

{{Word Bubble Gradient  
 |image      = 
 |color      = 
 |color2     = 
 |color3     = 
 |color4     = 
 |textcolor  = 
 |textcolor2 = 
 |line       = 
 |fonttype   = 
 |charname   = 
 |charpage   = 
 |group      = 
 |title      = 
 |time       = {{{2}}}
 |text       = {{{1}}}

Note that if you use this one, Color is the bottom color for the bubble, and color 3 is the top of the text part of the bubble. Color2 is the bottom of the Info part of the bubble, and color 4 is the top. A properly executed one looks like this:


Solomon -Member of Young Justice
-Freedom Fighter

 – {{{2}}}



Solomon -Member of Young Justice
-Freedom Fighter

 – Color 4 is down here, and color 2 is up there ^


Color 3
